MDA Sample and Metrics

比較三種software development方法
1. traditional
2. UML-based
3. MDA-based

1. Lines of Code (LOC) -> development effort
2. Atomic Model Elements (AME) -> modelling effort

UML 2.0 -> a foundation to support all aspects of MDA

MDA leverage UML, MOF and CWM

MDA tools such as template-language-based code generators allow PIMs to be re-used in other projects in significantly different target implementation environment. -> 產生專賣domain model的business model?

將 UML Class Diagram 拆開變成MDA兩個圖, 一個business model, 一個behavior

單純計算artifact內容的數量, 沒有考慮產生artifact所要花費的時間. 如同 Agile Modeling所說的, 使用複雜的工具會讓modeler迷失在複雜的功能中, 也會讓整個團隊的產能下降, 但如果該團隊每一個人都非常熟悉作業流程與工具, 顯然工作會事半功倍, 不過這需要經過一段時間的陣痛與適應期, 也要考慮這些方法有沒有辦法經得起時間的考驗 (因為軟體的生命週期會短一些)

Appendix: (找不到產品網頁, 只在一個conference裡面找到一段說明)
Expressive Objects
Richard Pawson, Computer Sciences Corporation
Robert Matthews, Expressive Objects

Expressive Objects is a Java-based framework for the design of business systems, in which the core business objects are exposed directly to the user, and in which all user actions are performed by invoking an action (verb) on a selected object (noun). The resulting business systems are highly expressive: they treat the user as a problem solver, rather than a process follower. And the process of analysis and design is significantly shortened because there is no translation between the traditional concept of a user interface and an underlying object model. We will demonstrate a prototype of a real, large-scale business application developed in this fashion, and then perform a live example of functional enhancement to demonstrate the short cycle time.

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