Bruce Eckel , Thining in XX
在FAQ的地方, 有個人問 “Is MDA a valuable technology?”
Eckel回答說曾經訪問過Marc Fleury (JBoss CEO)
(不確定是不是他, 但聽起來像是我知道的這個人) ,
而他的comments是MDA is one of the technology bubbles.
(訪問的資料將會放在他即將要出版的一本有聲CD中 Thinking
In Code)
–以下是我的notes, 僅供瀏覽, 參考用——-
Java Issues & Directions (July 09, 2004)
2h16m speech from Bruce Eckel
1. Loss of perspective
Mike Loukides’s Weblog
I think one could argue that fetishizing any
technology, techinique, or process, from design
patterns to agile programming to RUP to Java itself
causes a strange inversion where the fetishized object
of desire, having become an end in itself, destroys
the end for which it was created. …. code is good
because it works, because it’s maintainable, because
it’s efficient, and for many reasons, but not because
it applies the principles of some holy writ.
2. Problem of classpath
problem with classloader
maybe we need “which” (unix command)
3. Applets have failed
4. Rich client problem
Html, Javascript limitation
(Macromedia Flex Explorer -> for high end client, or
new version of
need a consistent, safe client environment
5. My Own problem
cross-platform multimedia player such as mp3 player
6. Java on the Desktop
Memorex disk-labeling program (fancy java but not
stable) vs Logitech IO Pen-> use .NET, work seamlessly
7. Eclipse 3.0 as a rich client platform
Erich Gamma (GoF author and the Eclipse Project
Lead): there are not that many situations where I
would favor implementing a Java Application instead of
implementing a plug-in for Eclipse.
Sun averse to Eclipse (SWT)
Learning curve
8. Where has Java succeeded
On the server
Jboss appears to be the best server
Entire elephant of EJB (J2EE)
9. JDK 1.5
Generics, autoboxing
Attributes/Metadata (inspired by c#)
New Concurrency
Other syntax improvement for-each
10. Generics
classical: parameterized types
Java generics severely limited by the choice of
implementing via “erasure”
11. Latent typing in Python
Perl can not be scaled-up (reliability issue).
12. Multithread
13. JUnitDoclet creator
Jython, Simple approach will encourage more and
better tests
Groovy intends to support testing
14. Thinking In Code
interviews Software Luminaries
14+ hours interviews
15. FAQ
static type checking
2:06:01 Is MDA a valuable technology?
“Thinking In Code” CD interviews with Marc Fleury
(JBoss CEO): There are many expensive code generation
technologies. MDA is one of the technology bubbles.
MDA is focus on general problem.
在FAQ的地方, 有個人問 “Is MDA a valuable technology?”
Eckel回答說曾經訪問過Marc Fleury (JBoss CEO)
(不確定是不是他, 但聽起來像是我知道的這個人) ,
而他的comments是MDA is one of the technology bubbles.
(訪問的資料將會放在他即將要出版的一本有聲CD中 Thinking
In Code)
–以下是我的notes, 僅供瀏覽, 參考用——-
Java Issues & Directions (July 09, 2004)
2h16m speech from Bruce Eckel
1. Loss of perspective
Mike Loukides’s Weblog
I think one could argue that fetishizing any
technology, techinique, or process, from design
patterns to agile programming to RUP to Java itself
causes a strange inversion where the fetishized object
of desire, having become an end in itself, destroys
the end for which it was created. …. code is good
because it works, because it’s maintainable, because
it’s efficient, and for many reasons, but not because
it applies the principles of some holy writ.
2. Problem of classpath
problem with classloader
maybe we need “which” (unix command)
3. Applets have failed
4. Rich client problem
Html, Javascript limitation
(Macromedia Flex Explorer -> for high end client, or
new version of
need a consistent, safe client environment
5. My Own problem
cross-platform multimedia player such as mp3 player
6. Java on the Desktop
Memorex disk-labeling program (fancy java but not
stable) vs Logitech IO Pen-> use .NET, work seamlessly
7. Eclipse 3.0 as a rich client platform
Erich Gamma (GoF author and the Eclipse Project
Lead): there are not that many situations where I
would favor implementing a Java Application instead of
implementing a plug-in for Eclipse.
Sun averse to Eclipse (SWT)
Learning curve
8. Where has Java succeeded
On the server
Jboss appears to be the best server
Entire elephant of EJB (J2EE)
9. JDK 1.5
Generics, autoboxing
Attributes/Metadata (inspired by c#)
New Concurrency
Other syntax improvement for-each
10. Generics
classical: parameterized types
Java generics severely limited by the choice of
implementing via “erasure”
11. Latent typing in Python
Perl can not be scaled-up (reliability issue).
12. Multithread
13. JUnitDoclet creator
Jython, Simple approach will encourage more and
better tests
Groovy intends to support testing
14. Thinking In Code
interviews Software Luminaries
14+ hours interviews
15. FAQ
static type checking
2:06:01 Is MDA a valuable technology?
“Thinking In Code” CD interviews with Marc Fleury
(JBoss CEO): There are many expensive code generation
technologies. MDA is one of the technology bubbles.
MDA is focus on general problem.